You are what you consume. Choose Quality.
Choose Nanos.

Nanos Technology


NANOSwater employs an Advanced Water Filtration Technology, the Nano Silver, developed in Japan, which transforms the water pH level to mild alkaline. Researchers found that the combination of drinking water that is more alkaline, coupled with smaller molecule clusters, was one of the keys to living a healthier life, with less diseases.

We know the benefits this water can have on you and your family. Our 5-step Water Treatment system:

  • Filters off heavy metals and harmful chemicals, such as Chlorine

  • Breaks down the water molecules into smaller clusters, allowing minerals in the water to be more easily absorbed into the body

  • Changes the water to a higher pH level, which makes the water alkaline.

Up to 60% of the human adult body is made up of water. By consuming NANOS Wellness Water, it will be able to help control the acid levels in our bodies, which is due to poor diet, stressful lifestyles and lack of exercise. As time goes by, the consumption of NANOS Wellness Water will strengthen our bodies and enhances our immune system.

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Better drinking water for every household